How to Install XPS/XNALara

XPS needs additional components in order to run properly on your PC. This process varies depending on which operating system you have!


1. Windows 10 and Windows 8
- If you have any of those systems you need to enable the .NET Framework 3.5. Clear instructions on how to do this are here officially by Microsoft. Additionally download and install XNA Framework 3.0.


2. Windows 7
- If you have this version of windows you only need to download and install the XNA Framework 3.0.


3. Windows Vista and Windows XP
- Both of these systems require you to download and install .NET Framework 3.5 and XNA Framework 3.0.


Once you are done with that download the latest XPS version from the XNALaraItalia Blog. You will get a file called '', which you can unpack anywhere you want. You open the program by double clicking the XNALara_XPS.exe.

On default there are only a few test meshes with the program so you need to download additional models from the internet. A google search for 'Xnalara models' will get you in the right direction for downloads.


Downloaded models often come in the package formats .zip, .rar or .7z. ZIP files can be opened without any additional program but for .rar and .7z files you will need additional software to extract.


Unpack all your models into the 'data' folder inside the XPS_XNALara one. You can also set a different location inside XPS' Preferences window.


Now just press 'File> Add Model(s)' in XPS and load anything you want!